Current and past projects:


Current status: Active

Bookmarked started as a project to serve two purposes: scratch an itch of wanting to build something new and to replace Chrome's bookmark manager as it was starting to get get sluggish. With that as a base, I set out to build a platform that achieved a few different goals:

  • Centralized bookmark manager, focused on tagging and re-discovery.
  • Includes a built-in reading queue with configurable email reminders and notifications.
  • Includes a mobile app with native ability to add/queue new links directly from the browser and other apps.


Current status: inactive

Segmentable is an automated email marketing and analytics platform. After having worked in ecommerce for almost two years, I found that there are a lot of tools that do one thing and one thing well, when what you need is a platform that does multiple things well. Using on-site/in-app event-based analytics as signals to drive marketing efforts is incredibly valuable. This includes things such as A/B/n testing and cohort segmentation.


Current status: inactive

Simple app developed over a weeked that gives you a temporary URL that collects and displays every request sent to it. It was originally built when I was dealing with testing Shopify webhooks and needed to see the headers and request body.


Current status: retired

A few years ago, Deeplinking was the thing, and for all I know it could still be. Deeplinker was essentially a link shortener and deeplink creater; a user would create a link, specify the deeplink schemes for each platform (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc) and a fallback web link, and Deeplinkr would take care of the rest. It would also record analytics to view click-through rates, browsers, referring sites, etc. It would also tell you the number of times a created link was able to successfully drop someone into your native app.


Current status: active

You're looking at it! Compose is blogging and content platform centered around Markdown with a focus on providing a distraction-free writing experience.


Current status: retired

What started as an experiment with ElasticSearch, using RSS feeds as a data source, solidified into a usable product after Google had dropped the bomb that they were closing down GoogleReader.